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    Co-operation with the Professional Community

    For Professionals who work with problem Drinkers and alcoholics


    Temporary Contact Program.

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    Co-operation with the Professional Community

    For Professionals who work with problem Drinkers and alcoholics
  • Member's AreaMember's Area

How It Works

We have different options for Contributions on the site. Please ensure that you are selecting the type of Contribution that you are intending to make. 

In consideration with our Seventh Tradition, we can only accept contributions from members of Alcoholics Anonymous.

If you are a member, you can contribute digitally by clicking the link below to access our digital 7th Tradition online check-out. (Please note: Seventh Tradition contributions are not credited to personal contributions.)

7th Tradition

Contribute as a Member

If you have already set up an account with Central Office, you can contribute digitally by clicking the link below to access our digital Personal Contribution online check-out. 

Personal Contribution


Or Click here to Contribute on behalf of your Group. Please ensure that you give us the Group Name so that we can add that to our records. 

Group Contribution


If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to reach out via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contributions to Central Office can be made in person, at the office, on behalf of yourself or your group.

Personal contributions are issued a year-end tax receipt, for those who wish.
The information required for personal contributions includes:
First and Last Name 
Phone Number
Group Name 
Mailing Address (including postal code) 
Email Address (if applicable) 

This information is required upon the first contribution. Once this information is on file, we will not need it again, unless something changes. 

Group contributions are accepted in cash, cheque, debit or credit, in Office. You can also contribute by e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (please ensure that you have let us know in the notes section what the e-transfer is for, and please use the answer "twelve" - ie How many Steps are there?) or by clicking on this link, and ensure that you are selecting the type of contribution you are submitting. 

If you have any further questions about contributing to Central Office, you can call them at (905) 522-8399 during regular business hours.

Contributions to the Hamilton Central Office makes sure that the Office continues to run, as well as provides the financial assistance for the Telephone Answering Service, and many of the Interdistrict Committees that serve both Hamilton Districts! 

These committees include Institutions and Treatment (supplying books and pamphlets to those incarcerated and in treatment settings), Website (costs associated with hosting and updates), PI/CPC (supplying pamphlets and related costs for presentations in the public sphere), and InterDistrict (which supports rental costs, including the bi-annual Service Day).

Website At A Glance

How It Works!

How It Works!

RARELY HAVE WE SEEN a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not completely give themselves to this simple program

Area / District Meetings
Events / Anniversaries
For The Professionals
Bridging The Gap
Members Area

Events Calendar

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We have a program in this area called The A.A. Bridging the Gap/Temporary Contact Program.
If you are interested...