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    Co-operation with the Professional Community

    For Professionals who work with problem Drinkers and alcoholics
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Hamilton and Area Archives Committee

Welcome to AA Hamilton Interdistrict Archives website page.

Hamilton Interdistrict Archives Committee is a part of, and serves AA Hamilton Districts10 and 21 on the AA Hamilton Interdistrict Structure. 

"We are trying to build up extensive records which will be of value to a future historian...

“It is highly important that the factual material be placed in our files in such a way that there be no substantial distortion...

“We want to keep enlarging on this idea for the sake of full length history to come...”

Bill W., 1957


The mission of the Hamilton Archives of Alcoholics Anonymous is to document permanently the work of Alcoholics Anonymous to make the history of the organization accessible to AA members and other researchers, and to provide a context for understanding AA's progression, principles and traditions.

The Hamilton ID Archives guidelines will in no way supersede the guidelines set out in the GSO Archive Workbook and the GSO guidelines.


Consistent with AA’s primary purpose of maintaining our sobriety and helping other alcoholics achieve sobriety, Hamilton ID Archives of Alcoholics Anonymous will:

● Receive, classify and index all relevant material, such as administrative files and records, correspondence and literary works, artifacts and works considered to be of historical import to Alcoholics Anonymous;

● Hold and preserve such material;

● Provide access to these materials as determined by the archivist in consultation with the committee, contingent upon a commitment to preserve the anonymity of our members;

● Serve as a resource and laboratory to stimulate and nourish learning;

● Provide knowledge and understanding of the origins, goals, and program ofAlcoholics Anonymous.

Adopted October 30, 2006

by GSB of Alcoholics Anonymous

CENTRAL OFFICE (CO) is fully self-supporting through group and individual contributions. CO fulfills AA’s primary purpose of helping alcoholics to achieve sobriety by: 

-Sharing information for the good of AA;

-Selling AA Conference approved literature; and

-Selling other items that mark lengths of sobriety. 

CO also provides a place for Operating Committees to meet and store material, and provides a home for the Hamilton Archives Repository.

Hours are 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. during the weekdays September through June, and 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 p.m. in July and August. We are closed for provincial statutory holidays. Arrangements may also be made to make purchases outside of regular operating hours (i.e. evenings and weekends) at mutually convenient times by contacting us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are located at 627 Main Street East, Suite 205 in Hamilton. Parking at no charge is available on the street at the front of the building and in the rear parking lot. Access to the office requires climbing a number of stairs to the second floor. We will meet customers on the first floor to conduct transactions if contacted by phone at 905-522-8399(The Helpline is 905-522-8392).

CO accepts payments including: cash, cheques, e-transfers, debit card, and credit card. There is a service fee of 0.265% for in-person credit card use. CO has been a Registered Charity since 1993, which results in no sales tax being charged for items sold, and enables individuals to receive tax receipts for their personal contributions.

More details may be found through the following links:

-Instructions for making contributions (CO, Interdistrict, District 10 or 21, Area 86, General Service Office in New York); 

-Price lists for the purchase of CO items, which are all sold at cost (books, pamphlets, other items); and

 -CO 2024 yearend report.

We hope to see you soon!

The Grapevine Magazine is a meeting in a pocket, available for purchase at groups and online. The Grapevine also sells compilation books and cd's, literature that is not necessarily AA Conference Approved, but falls under the generalized approval of Grapevine itself. The Grapevine Committee in Hamilton attends groups in the city to sell these products, not found in the Hamilton Central Office, and sourced from the Grapevine magazine itself.

The schedule for the Grapevine Committee for the month is as follows:

MARCH 2025

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31

The Grapevine Committee offers a book draw raffle at every meeting and function that they attend. Make sure you pick up your ticket for a chance to win the literature of your choice!

Click here to see a list of products available through the Grapevine. 



Need to Speak to someone about your drinking?

24 Hour Telephone Answering Service:
Alcoholics Anonymous (905) 522-8392 (Hamilton Area)
Alcoholics Anonymous (905) 631-8784 (Burlington, Oakville Area)
Family members and friends of problem drinkers can contact:
Alanon (905) 522-1733 (Hamilton Area)

Website At A Glance

How It Works!

How It Works!

RARELY HAVE WE SEEN a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not completely give themselves to this simple program

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